The NESTORE advisor, Eurocarers, promotes our survey to end users
The European network representing informal carers and their organisations - Eurocarers, that is a member of the advisory board of NESTORE, helped us disseminate our survey to end users with a short article on their website.
Maintaining vitality as we age: the Hogeschool of Rotterdam talks about NESTORE
In a short article on its website, the Hogeschool Rotterdam refers to NESTORE has a new European innovation project to maintain vitality and functions for elderly people living at home using user-friendly technology.
Ageing as an opportunity: NESTORE mentioned among promising innovations
In an interview with Samuele Verucchi, our partner AGE Platform Europe mentioned NESTORE among the examples of innovation projects to stay active in the everyday life as we grow older.
The NESTORE advisor, Grey Panthers, promotes our survey to end users
The questionnaire, which will be used to collect European data to reflect on the real needs of seniors in the coming years, was shared in Italian to the thousand users of the Grey Panthers' website.
The Institute of Robotics for Dependency joins NESTORE's advisory board
The Institute of Robotics for Dependency has joined the Forum of Advisory Stakeholders (FAS) for supporting the NESTORE project. They present our ambitions on their website.
The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing talks about NESTORE
NESTORE's commitment to the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing was validated in September 2018. It followed with a publication of our project's expected outcomes on the EIP AHA website.
NESTORE in a nutshell, on the European Commission website
NESTORE is on the European Commission website. Read the presentation of the project by our funders!
NESTORE on CORDIS, the EU projects database
CORDIS provides information on all EU-supported R&D activities. Quite naturally, it has a page about NESTORE.