WE NEED YOUR VOICE: how should digital technology for healthy ageing look like?
NESTORE partners do not envisage to develop a technology without considering the primary interest and preferences of those that should eventually use it. This is why we have developed this survey with the aim to better understand people’s needs and preferences on the use of digital technologies for ageing well.
Completar la encuesta en español
Beantwoord de enquête in het nederlands
Your responses will be of tremendous help for partners to shape an adequate solution. Thus, we are grateful in advance to those of you who will have time to fill in this questionnaire. This should take approximately 20 minutes. The results of this survey will be shared on NESTORE website in Spring 2019.
Answers are anonymous. More information on the NESTORE’s data policy can be found here.
For any additional information, comments, questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us: emanuele.lettieri@polimi.it