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Report: NESTORE decision-support system presented at the IEEE CBMS 2019

Early June, NESTORE decision-support system was presented at the 32th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems. Our partner Paula Subías-Beltrán, e-Health researcher for Eurecat, reports.

Following the presentation of NESTORE decision-support system, participants raised concerned about the intrusiveness of the system, thus questionning how it might impact the market uptake of the solution. Yet they were eager to see if the usage of all collected data would increase users' engagement. They liked the idea of using a recommender system that intents to adapt to users and assure diversity at the same time as it tailors users' coaching.

The congress was gathering a wide scope of other European projects' participants. Many of them shared topics also addressed by NESTORE and stressed similar hurdles in terms of data integration. One of them, the BigO project, was presented by Prof. Anastasios Delopoulos. The project is using big data to tackle childhood obesity. Prof. Delopoulos, he explained how they depicted users' nutritional profile, and commented on practicalities such as: how to measure the size of a dish and how to identify eating cycles.

Discover the poster that was presented at CBMS 2019

Read NESTORE's event page about CBMS 2019